Over 75% of teens experience facial or body acne throughout their adolescent life. But there is an ever-increasing number of adults both male and female who are experiencing acne breakouts all over again. And the big question is why$%:
There are many factors that contribute to the growth of unwanted facial and body acne. But before we look at what causes acne lets first define acne. Acne are red bumps which can vary in size and in tenderness. Acne generally arises from bacteria known as Propionibacterium Acnes. The bacteria feeds off of the body's oil that is produced from the body's oil glands.
Another cause of acne is the male hormone Androgen which both men and women have in their body, the men just produce higher levels than their female counterparts. The Androgen hormone is responsible for raising the body's level of oil production which ultimately leads to the formation of a blemish. Acne breakouts tend to fluctuate with the varying hormonal changes and levels of stress that our body experiences over time.
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There are many other factors that are also known to cause acne. These include lithium, barbiturates, and cosmetics-which can aggravate sensitive skin.
But did you ever think that your work environment or your commitment to sports could be causing your acne breakouts$%:
The dust, chemicals, and oils that are a consistent part of many work environments are huge contributors to the clogging of pores and the build-up of bacteria and oils. Certain objects like hats, helmets, and safety clothing (which are generally mandatory in the workplace) often rub and irritate the skin.
For athletes, regardless of whether you are professional or novice, you too need to be concerned about the friction from your clothing and sports gear. This friction combined with a sweaty, moist environment is an ideal setting for bacteria growth and the development of unsightly pimples, especially stubborn body acne.
What can YOU do to prevent such outbreaks of zits and pimples from occurring$%: Well there are a few things. First, if you can wear looser fitting clothing, secondly try to air out your gear and for your sports equipment, if possible have it professionally cleaned. When you have a shower after work or after practice DO NOT have a hot shower but instead opt for a luke warm shower. The heat causes your pores to open up and makes them more vulnerable to bacteria and dirt. If you could have a quick cold water rinse to close the pores just before you step out that would be ideal.
Another note for when you are showering, shampoo and condition your hair first and then begin to wash your face and body. The shampoo and conditioner will leave a residue on your skin, so it makes sense to rinse this off, and then wash your skin as opposed to washing your body and then having the residue seep into the open pores. To learn more on how to prevent acne and other skin conditions visit our section .
Being able to work hard and play hard is a luxury many of us take for granted but the rewards are great. We become healthier individuals and our confidence rises, but when our body is covered with unwanted acne it can cause embarrassment and frustration, but there is hope. For more great tips on how to fight your facial and body acne you will want to check out